BitCraft confirms free-to-play monetization and promises to sell ‘Lamborghinis over Medals of Honor’

BitCraft, a new free-to-play blockchain game that is set to launch in Q3 of this year, has confirmed that it will be monetizing through its own cryptocurrency. The company also promises to sell “Lamborghinis over Medals of Honor” and offer players the chance to trade their items or currency for other games.

BitCraft is a free-to-play, multiplayer online game that will offer players the chance to earn in-game currency by playing. The company promises to sell Lamborghinis over Medals of Honor. Read more in detail here: mmorpg.

Last month, BitCraft was revealed to the public in a hazy but fascinating manner, promising a community-driven sandbox MMORPG that seems to place a strong emphasis on social interaction and exploration. While all of this is intriguing, there is also a need for more specific details, such as how the game will be funded. Fortunately, Clockwork Labs’ developers have given some of that in a long blog post regarding monetization.

Much of the article is on the philosophy behind most monetization methods, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each, until it all comes back to BitCraft’s monetization, which will be a free-to-play model due to the game’s community nature:

“Given that BitCraft is a community sandbox MMORPG, it should be obvious by now that selling BitCraft access is very much a non-starter for us.” […] The fact that the globe is full with people is an important part of a thriving society and economy. We also think we’re doing something unique and exciting, and we want as many people as possible to see it. Restriction of access just does not make sense.”

Similarly, the article claims that the developers will identify what is essential to sell and what is not important to sell.

“In gaming, we should avoid selling anything that is believed to be won and always sell items that are understood to be purchased.” That may seem to be circular thinking, but we believe it is a very significant difference. Because it’s so abstract, I believe this example would help: “We should never be in the business of selling Medals of Honor, but we should always be in the business of selling Lamborghinis.”

There are no details on what the Lamborghini shop will offer in the game, but the article does guarantee that the developers will have “interesting and creative concepts in the area.” So we’ll have to wait and see how different these Lamborghinis are.


BitCraft has confirmed that they are going to be free-to-play, but have not yet announced any monetization plans. The game will also feature Lamborghinis over Medals of Honor. Reference: mmorpg com twitter.

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